Search for nearest A-Katsastus or Ajovarma

Please note that A-Katsastus and Ajovarma do not operate in the same address in all locations. You can contact the service points through national appointment booking numbers.

A-Katsastus’ nationwide appointment booking for inspection services and registrations

075 323 2222

Mon–Fri from 7.30 am to 8 pm, Sat from 9 am to 4 pm

You can make an appointment through our nationwide appointment booking number and ask for more information about the opening hours and the services offered at specific stations, for example. Our vehicle inspection stations can also be contacted through the nationwide appointment booking number. We offer service in Finnish and Swedish. Price of the call local network charge/mobile call charge.

Ajovarma’s nationwide appointment booking and advisory service for driving licences and permits

029 534 5115

Booking Mon-Fri from 7.30 am to 3 pm, advisory service Mon-Fri from 8 am to 3 pm (local network rate / mobile call charge)

You can make an appointment or ask for more information on driving licences, driving examinations and road traffic licensing services. We record calls to our customer service in order to improve our service quality.


Valimotie 9-11, FI-00380 Helsinki (P.O. Box 200, FI-00381 Helsinki)

tel. +358 75 323 2000

Mon-Fri from 8 am to 4 pm. Call charges local network rate / mobile call charge.

Contact information for the media

Photographs related to articles and other e.g. video production sessions can be organised at our stations. However, permits must be agreed on a case-by-case basis.

Feedback icon


We value all feedback and use it to improve our services. Please note that inspection and registration advice is only provided at the stations that provide these services.

Advice icon

For corporate customers

Questions about invoice contents, invoice payment issues and invoice copy requests.

Invoicing advice
Handshake icon

Businesses and professionals

Invoicing agreements, sales team contact information and Ajovarma services for businesses and commercial traffic.

Businesses and professionals